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Multiplying My Efforts with a Sales Team: Is There Real Value? - Monday, July 5, 2021

Is there real value in Multiplying My Efforts with a Sales Team?

This article discusses the benefits of having a sales team in your business and why it might be worth investing in.

You want to be an entrepreneur or business owner, but not sure if you should launch an MLM/Direct Selling company.

First, if your company has the potential for growth and profitability in its market niche then it is worth investing in. The whole point of having a business is to be able to generate income, right? If that's not happening with your current set-up than there must be something wrong or missing from what you are doing!

Let's say that you have identified a product or service that is marketable and has great value. Secured the product or service and begun marketing or selling. Congratulations! You are now in business for yourself by yourself! Your success is limited to your followers, contacts, marketing, videos, phone calls, advertising, money, time and energy... YOU!

In time, you cap-out on your own energy and either fail or fail to scale. So you decide to enlist a sales team.

Second, as an entrepreneur looking towards hiring talent for your product/service line how do you know who should sell and represent YOUR BRAND? What steps would you take before agreeing on any "deal"?

What about pay structure... commission or salary package; base plus bonus opportunity or just straight hourly wage? How much responsibility will this person have beyond simply selling products? All of these factors kick in...

That's where building an Independent Sales Team comes in, and why an MLM, Network Marketing or Direct Selling tracking and compensation engine come in.

If you want to grow your business, then it might be time for a sales team. You'll need people who know how to sell and are good at selling! They will do the marketing that you are unable to do as an individual. Your followers/customers will hear about YOUR product or service from someone else, in addition to hearing about it from YOU on social media and marketing.

You could always hire employees too, seat them, equip them, train them... and then stress over making payroll each week. You could contract out some items like virtual assistance, but now we are only draining the pocketbook, rather than adding sales, as a sales team would do.

3 Reasons to build an Independent Sales Team:

- Increase in sales

- Duplication of your methods and techniques

- Lower cost per head than an employee when hiring a team.

With an Independent Sales Team you could 10X Yourself!

Again, the problem is that you are one person, limited by your own talent, time, money, contacts, etc. When you involve a team of 'Independent Sales Reps'.. say 10, you just did a 10X on your Talent, 10X on your Time, 10X on your Money, 10X on your Contacts and more!

10X sounds exciting, right?

Let's do a walkthrough...

  • Are you selling $1000/mo in Products/Services?
  • $$ 10x your sales by setting up 10 Independent Sales Reps.
  • Ok, so you, or with your Sales Reps, are now doing $10k or more a month, Fantastic!
  • $$ Let's Scale It, Baby! 10X that into $100k or more a month in sales. That's right, simply setup more Sales Reps!

Ultimately you become a conduit for Product Supply, Checkout of Orders and Delivery, then Commission a portion to the Sales Reps!

10X myself, and then 10x those Sales Reps, and you're off to the races! That is MLM!

Stranger Danger! Now, my words of caution. There is nothing wrong with Launching your own Used Car Dealership, Real Estate Agency or Insurance Agency. Nothing at all!

   • These are examples of companies that rely on Sales Reps, which normally earn some form of commission.

   • These are also examples of companies you have heard ugly things of...

      ..argh a cigarette smoking Used Car Sales Rep.. RUN!

      ..argh an Insurance Sales Rep is knocking on my door.. CLOSE THE BLINDS!

      ..argh a Real Estate Agents are only wanting to Inflate a Sale and fatten their commission... I Dread it!

The point is this, the MLM Industry is identical. There are sleazy sales folks, or worse companies that are not selling anything legitimate, not paying commissions or are some sort of money scheme... RUN! They give the industry a bad name.

Ok, but to do this, scale seamlessly, to onboard Sales Reps, to onboard Customer Sales, to manage Inventory, Orders, etc... to track those orders to the Referrer, to generate some form of Bonus or Commission to the Sales Rep or Sales Reps... How? How Is This Done?

You see the future, Leveraging 100's of Sales Reps to Sell More of your Product, Stabilize the Company and Scale!!! How do you put it together?

The Solution is True MLM Software This is where Inspetta's comes in. You are the real-deal, your Sales Reps are the real-deal, you need MLM Software that is the real-deal!

Get started today! Contact us to get on the path to building an Independent Sales Team in the MLM and Direct Selling Industries. We are also available for services such as Consulting, Compensation Plan Development, Product Development and Executive Support Services.

You can find more information at or email
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